Friday, September 27, 2013

Japanese & Korean Civilization

For Monday's class, please read Murphey, Chapter 9, and be prepared to discuss the following questions:
  • What aspects of Chinese culture did Japan and Korea take? What did they do with it?
  • How did the geography of Japan and Korea effect their development?
  • Where did the Japanese and Koreans come from originally? How are they related to each other?
  • What was the original social pattern of Japan?
  • What were the mythological origins of the rulers of Japan? How does it compare to the Chinese?
  • What is the nature of Shinto? Why might the Japanese have retained this form of religion after other places abandoned it?
  • What did Prince Shotoku do?
  • What has generally been the role of the Japanese emperor?
  • What did the adoption of Confucian values do to the role of women in Korea and Japan?
  • What era of Chinese culture is best preserved in Japan?
  • What is the shoen system?
  • What happened with economic and cultural development during periods of political turmoil in Korea and Japan (and China, too)?
  • Who wrote The Tale of Genji, and what is it about?
  • What are Kana and Hangul? Why were they developed? Who used them first/most initially?
  • Buddhist armies?!
  • Define samurai, bushido, daimyo, kamikaze, shogun, and Noh.
  • What was the role of piracy in Japan and Korea?
  • What element of Chinese Confucianism was not adopted in Korea and Japan because of the strong role of the aristocracy?

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