Friday, October 18, 2013

Manchu China

For Monday's class, please read chapter 13 through p. 272, and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • What was the Manchu approach to ruling China?
  • What elements of Manchu culture did the Qing retain?
  • What advantages do historians studying the Qing period have?
  • How did Europeans view China in the early Qing period? What was going on in Europe at the same time?
  • What improvements did the Manchu's make, and what were the consequences?
  • What were the Asian and European views of corruption and nepotism?
  • What internal crisis did the Qing dynasty face and why? What was the White Lotus?
  • Why didn't the Chinese have commercial and industrial revolutions like Europe's?
  • Who used opium; how did they use; and why did they use it?
  • Why did opium provide the occasion for the first military confrontation between China and Britain? 
  • What was the outcome of the Opium War?

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